The school should be intimated regarding any physical or mental disability of the child.
The child should not be sent to the school if he is suffering from any infection or contagious disease.
Student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of Quarantine before returning to school.
till complete falling of scabs.
till child is completely well.
two weeks after the rashes disappear.
until the swelling has gone; about one month.
six weeks.
The student returning to school after illness should produce a fitness certificate duly signed by an authorized medical practitioner permitting him to attend the school.
No leave of absence will be granted except on prior written application from the parents or guardians and for plausible reason only.
Every absence (due to sickness or otherwise)must be entered briefly in REGULARITY RECORD page of the school diary and signed by the parents or guardians.
Parents are requested to send a leave application if the child has to be absent for more than one day. If no information is received, the class teacher is expected to send an external memo to the parents by post.
The name of the student , who is absent for 15 days or more without submitting a leave application, will be struck off the rolls. Re- admission will only be considered on payment of re-admission charges. However, the school authority reserves the rights of re-admission.